
Sunday, August 01, 2010

Baby Steps and The Next Level

Image by: Infinite Jeff


It's been an interesting 8 and a half months; to the naked eye, there doesn't seem to be much going on... but on the inside... WOW! I've learned a lot about myself and the world around me, and now that I understand a tiny bit how the game is played, I'm ready to hit the ground running.

Winston Andres, a friend on Facebook, posted this status:
I started trudging the personal development path being excited how I can prove myself and impress others. I thought that would be enough to cover up my weak character. Now I know how exhausting and pointless it is...:)
My response?
And now, your journey truly begins. Welcome!!
Because once you realize that it's not about impressing other people or what they think about you, it's about what YOU think about YOU, then the fun really begins.

Keeping myself under control and under discipline gives me so much to do and think about, I don't have time to mind other peoples' business, and more importantly, I don't want to!


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